Understanding the Myths and Realities of Autism


Picture by Hiki App found on Unsplash

Autism is a complex and often misunderstood condition surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. Due to these myths, there is a lack of understanding and compassion that can produce harmful stereotypes. By educating others about these myths, we can create a better and more inclusive environment in society for those with autism. Let's dive deeper into some of the misconceptions.

Have you heard the argument that vaccinations cause autism? This misconception came from a research study debunked for not being up to the scientific standards. This misconception is one of the most controversial topics when it comes to autism. 

Another myth about autism is that autism is an epidemic. As the years go by, more and more people are being diagnosed with autism. According to the CDC, 1 in every 36 children and about 1% of the population have autism. No one can cure autism; it is a neurodevelopmental disorder, a miswiring of the brain, and perhaps a blip or deletion of a gene. 

 Another misconception about autism is that it is a childhood disorder. While a lot of people get diagnosed as a child, a good majority of autistic individuals are diagnosed well into adulthood. Girls are good at masking their symptoms, meaning they mimic their peers, which could explain why they are diagnosed later in life. 

A common problem for someone on the spectrum is that most resources are only available to younger children. There are very few resources once you graduate high school or turn 22. In turn, there are little to no resources for those who were diagnosed late and transitioning into adulthood. Two state departments in California can help with resources: the Department of Rehabilitation and the Regional Center. The California Department of Rehabilitation tends to help those with disabilities find work. The Regional Center limits the number of people they help. They will only take people who got diagnosed before age 18. 

The last misconception we will cover in this blog is those with autism are stupid and won’t be successful. This misconception is damaging to the autism community. Autism is not a learning disability; it is a developmental disorder. It may take some people longer to learn social skills and emotional regulation, and sometimes, they learn differently. Many autistic people live normal lives. Here are some people you might be surprised to find out that they are on the autism spectrum: Elon Musk, Sheldon Cooper, Eminem, Bill Gates, Dan Aykroyd, Albert Einstein, and many more. That is a pretty impressive group of people who have flourished with autism. Never underestimate the intelligence of someone with autism because they can and do succeed.


  1. Hi Samantha!
    This is my first time reading your blog and I think you chose a very interesting topic. You seem to know your topic very well. I thought the part where you talked about the lack of resources to diagnose autism later in life was very interesting because I have heard of many people who were not diagnosed until much later in life. I also like how you mentioned many successful, well known people who have autism. Great job!

  2. Hi Samantha, As always I look forward to your blogs and like the others enjoyed this one. I think it is important to address the misconceptions about Autism as they seem to be everywhere and only leads to a lack of understanding. With my son I have had questions like do you think it was caused by vaccines. The funny thing about that is I delayed his vaccines not for fear of Autism but for other reasons so that right there throws the false theory right out the window!

  3. Hey Samantha,
    A great post as usual. I think the interesting part of people being concerned about more people being diagnosed ignores how the world has changed. The world is more overwhelming in terms of sensory experience than it has ever been before. I think our increasing awareness of what constitutes being on the autism spectrum likely led to the increase in diagnoses. Your posts on the topic bring to light important issues that most people go their whole lives without considering. By sharing them you have contributed to putting tools in others toolbelts to also understand and even share that understanding themselves. Your decision to raise awareness of the facts will have an impact, even if you're unsure of it now.


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