Understanding Stimming: Breaking the Stigma Surrounding Autism Behaviors

Found on Pixabay, photo taken by Ivabalk

Have you ever caught yourself biting your nails or lips when you were nervous or bored? How about taping your foot or nails on a surface? These are some examples of self-stimulating behavior, also known as stimming, in the autism community. These behaviors are seen as usual by the majority of people who are close to someone with autism. So why is it that someone with autism or neurodiverse is seen as unnatural, weird, or dangerous? There are various stims that someone can do, some less destructive than others. The most well-known autistic stims are rocking, flapping, spinning, and walking on tiptoes. These stims are what most people associate with autistic stimming. 

The main reason why someone with autism stims is to regulate their sensory experiences and manage stress. Unfortunately, these movements have often been stigmatized and misunderstood by society. There have been many cases where a non-verbal or verbal autistic person has been put in danger because of the stigmas and lack of knowledge of what someone with autism might act like. In 2017, a 14-year-old autistic boy was tackled and detained by the police for doing behavior that indicated drug use. The boy had a string in his hand and rubbed it over his face repeatedly. In this instance, nothing terrible happened except the boy was detained for a bit. There needs to be more training and education about autism and stimming so the public understands why someone might present as behaving oddly. 

Stimming can sometimes be destructive as well, to themselves as well as others. Some destructive stims for someone with autism are picking at scabs, scratching or rubbing skin until it gets raw, hitting themselves or someone, and running away. Some stims that disrupt the environment can be vocal stims like howling, high-pitched screeching, and squealing. There are too many stims to name them all. However, things have been made to help people stim less disruptively. These things are called fidget toys. Multiple fidget toys are on the market, from slime to tangles and spinners. Each person has their preference for fidget toys. My favorite fidget toys that help me are tangles, infinite cubes, and stress balls. Stimming is natural, and everyone does it at some point, but those with autism are predisposed to do it to a higher degree. Bringing this to light will help people to be less judgmental of something that helps people cope with stress and self-soothe.


  1. Hi Samantha! I struggle a lot with sensory issues as well as stress, and I can absolutely agree that fidget toys are the best!! I have a few different ones, though my favorite ones are stress balls, ones that look like controllers, and the wiggle worm. I introduced some of them to my work place and at first I was nervous on how my coworkers would react, but they actually encouraged me to bring them in because it not only helped me regulate my stress, they would occasionally dive in to what I brought, helping them too! I really liked your article, we need to de-stigmatize stimming and fidget toys!

  2. Hi Samantha, I have also struggled with sensory issues that you have mentioned. I do think it's important to raise awareness and understanding about stimming and its significance in the lives of individuals with autism. I can also relate to the positive impact of fidget tools. I've personally found comfort in using fidget toys like stress balls and fidget spinners. It reminds me of the fidget spinner craze a while back, which briefly brought stimming into the mainstream. I really enjoyed reading through your blog and by embracing stimming and fidget toys, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate community. Everyone has unique ways of coping with stress and its important that we respect them.

  3. Hi Samantha as always I was looking forward to your blog this week. My son's main stimming behavior is hitting himself so needleless to say we get a lot of looks in public. Its super sad to hear about the boy who wa detained and I agree that we need more training and education at the national level to better understand those on the spectrum.


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